Sunday, May 18, 2008

Flight #3

I flew my plane in Logan yesterday. There wasn't a whole lot of lift but I did have fun. I got off tow on the ridge east of the airport and practiced figure eight turns until it was time to head for the airport. It was one of the longest straight glides I've done and a testament to the potential this plane has for making long flights. I would have flown again but I pulled my plane off the runway and got on some soft ground with tall grass. The temperature was about 84 degrees and it took about 20 minutes to get the plane to the taxiway. By that time I was out of gas (physically). I would have had some pictures but I forgot to put in the flash card for Peggy; a modern equivalent of not loading film in the camera.

1 comment:

Tobi said...

I always leave my flash drive in my computer. Darn that teeny tiny technology. It's too easy to forget.