Saturday, February 20, 2010

Carbon Coolness....

Here are some pictures of carbon fiber. You’re probably thinking that of all the things I could write about I chose carbon. But this is really cool. Look closer at the pictures. One has a 90 degree weave and the other is 60 degrees. The latter is a relatively new product and York used it for the first time on my new winglets (sorry, no pictures just yet).

A little dig here….Hey Bruno….remember I was first.

Think about it, if you use a 90 degree weave you would have to lay alternate layers at various angles to achieve the same results as the 60 degree weave. Plus, it is much easier to wrap around compound curves. See, I told you it was cool.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

We Could Go There....If We Really Wanted To

The 60’s were bad; civil unrest, Viet Nam, the height of the Cold War, and the list goes on. But through it all we caught hold of a vision that was greater than ourselves. Nothing since then has matched the drive and determination that Americans showed by reaching the moon, not once, but many times.

Now that Obama has canceled the Ares program we may never see this kind of picture again. We have lost our vision. We have no national goal or objective. We are a nation without a cause.