Sunday, December 27, 2009

Winglets for the Epic

Stay tuned... the Epic flies with its new winglets on December 28, 2009. A report will follow.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Sunday, December 6, 2009

New pictures added....

If you look at the slideshow on the right you'll see the Pik-20 getting a new paint job just before I sent it to a new home in Kansas.

Catchup (not ketchup) Time

I can tell there's not a lot of activity on my blog because no one is reminding me to keep it updated. I have been pretty slow, but finally decided to at least write a few things and post some pictures.

The above picture was taken in August (I told you I was slow) just after York Zentner and I finished a 4 plus hour flight at the contest in Logan, Utah. It was my first cross country flight and it was a lot of fun. We didn't set any records but we made it to 16,000 feet and finished the course.